Highlights, Proud Moments, and Antidepressants: 2022 Recap and What's Ahead for 2023

Highlights, Proud Moments, and Antidepressants: 2022 Recap and What's Ahead for 2023


This week we're doing things a little bit different - it's all about 2022 in recap, in retrospect, and looking forward to what's happening next year. It was a year filled with amazing wins but some huge challenges as well. We hope you'll reflect as well, and cheers to a productive and profitable 2023!
This week we're doing things a little bit different - it's all about 2022 in recap, in retrospect, and looking forward to what's happening next year.  It was a year filled with amazing wins but some huge challenges as well.  We hope you'll reflect as well, and cheers to a productive and profitable 2023!

Hustle and Gather is hosted by Courtney Hopper and Dana Kadwell, and is produced by Earfluence.  Courtney and Dana's hustles include C&D Events, Hustle and Gather, and The Bradford Wedding Venue.

Sign up for the venue masterclass here!

This show is hosted by Dana Kadwell and Courtney Hopper and is produced by Earfluence.

Check out their other hustles!

Creators and Guests

Courtney Hopper
Courtney Hopper
Co-Owner/Operator at The Bradford Venue LLC
Dana Kadwell
Dana Kadwell
Serial Entrepreneur of award winning @canddevents + @thebradfordnc + @hustleandgather. Fueled by Dirty Martinis and the #girlboss life.